
Saturday, March 30, 2013


singing in my head......HAWTHORNE AVENUE.....more humming

    Spring has gotten the best of me.  As I hum "Easter Parade" and substitute "Hawthorne" for "Fifth", the frills are on my house not my bonnet.  That is, I am getting around to hanging art.  I'm enjoying dressing up my house with my own art and works by artists both old and new (G. Brady, H. Pryor, T. Disney, M. SesowC. Mullen, L. Gourley, M. Dietz, N. Thomas, M. Peyton, M. Bullington, All Star Artists and more).

(M. Peyton)
(M. Sesow)
(C. Mullen)

'You are My Sunshine' - min
(M. Bullington)

(G. Brady)
(M. Bullington)

(M. Dietz)

(C. Mullen)
(L. Gourley)

(H. Pryor)

(C. Mullen)

(T. Disney)

(All Star Artists 2010)

(G. Brady)

Sunday, March 24, 2013


     With the warmth of anticipated spring in the air and a threat of snow in the future, I picked the blooming daffodils on Warren Road and cut several branches from my magnolia and Thundercloud plum trees to bring inside.

And then today......

It's just been school tomorrow!


    In clearing the sidewalk in the front yard yesterday I made a discovery. 

 Remnants of a brick foundation were buried beneath the soil on either side of the sidewalks along the driveway.

We knew, based on a photo of the house in 1910, that there were columns by the entrance to the yard.  Finding the buried brick shows us exactly where we should rebuild the columns.

Oure Hawthorne house is the first house on the left

Wednesday, March 20, 2013


   Here on Hawthorne Avenue it is a beautiful early spring day.  I should be doing my taxes.  I'm not.  My SADD (Situational Attention Deficit Disorder - self diagnosed and self named) kicks in when I am engaged in tasks I tax preparation.

    So far today I have...

1. Driven to Warren Road house to collect early 2012 tax papers.
2. Picked all the blooming daffodils at my Warren Rd. house
3. Returned to Hawthorne Ave. and made coffee
4. Arranged my daffodils in an antique cast iron mannequin boot

5. Gathered all my tax documentation into one big pile
6. Gone outside with the dog (still no fence to contain the dog's curiosity)
7. Lopped some low tangled branches and hauled debris to the street
8. Corralled a wandering Border Collie and walked him 2 blocks to his home
9. Began staking out my brick patio/herb garden off the back stoop
10. Taken a coffee break
11. Took some photos around the house
12. Checked email
13. Began another blog post

This got me through to 3PM.
Now, if you notice, I have not posted to this blog since early February (over a month ago).  Procrastination is and has been a lifetime acquaintance of mine.